Where Am I?

Some people are probably wondering “Where are the last episodes of October?”, “Where is the Halloween Music Special?” and “Where is the Halloween Treat/Scavenger Hunt?”

Well my friends, I’m working on the Halloween Treat still. It has been taking tons of time to get right and I’m in the final stages. Once it is done, I will need to pack it up and upload it and it will finally be finished. I will now keep it up for a week due to the delays. Also, remember, you must learn about QR codes and must get a QR Code Reader to get to the link. However, the first 4 people to email andy@destroythebrainonline.com will receive a link to the file once it is posted. You will receive an email from a different email address with a link in the next couple of days. Keep in mind that the file I’m putting out there will be an 8GB package.

I have tons of content waiting to be put out after this is all said & done.

Sorry again!

Andy Triefenbach is the Editor-in-Chief and owner of DestroytheBrain.com. In addition to his role on the site, he also programs St. Louis' monthly horror & exploitation theatrical midnight program, Late Nite Grindhouse. Coming from a household of a sci-fi father and a horror/supernatural loving mother, Andy's path to loving genre film was clear. He misses VHS and his personal Saturday night 6 tape movie marathons from his youth.

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