30 September Slashers:Day 17-Alice Sweet Alice

Sometimes there are films that although influential and often widely referenced, have often eluded viewers.  Tonight’s feature is never shown on t.v., the dvd is rarely seen in video stores and yet was featured in Bravo’s top Scary movie moments.  When asking friends about this film, they often shrug their shoulders because they have never heard of the title.   Tonight’s feature has for one reason or another always escaped me but after picking up a vhs copy, I was finally treated to the 1976 film….. Alice Sweet Alice.

Day 17:  How Sweet it is….Alice Sweet Alice

A dysfunctional Italian Catholic family from the east coast is in preparation for Karen, the youngest of two sisters, to have her first communion.  The eldest sister, Alice, is constantly causing trouble for her Mother, Aunt , and Uncle by performing mean spirited pranks, often dressed in a yellow overcoat and mask. Karen is viciously murdered by someone wearing an outfit, similar to Alice’s and of course the suspicion turns to her.  Karen and Alice’s Father comes in for the Funeral and in tern tries to figure out the mystery of who really killed Karen.  Who was behind the murder?  Was it the aunt?  Was it the creepy perverted landlord?  Was it the priest?

This film is the perfect Hitchcockian type thriller and the mystery keeps the viewer guessing until the very end. The kills are brutal but are never done in an over the top tongue in cheek fashion. Although being an American film, it actually works more as a giallo film than a straight slasher and probably has more in common with a film such as Don’t Torture a Duckling, than a film like Slaughter High.  The body count isn’t high but the acting and visual style of the film will be enough to hold your attention.

I can’t recommend this film enough.  This film is often referenced because it was Brooke Shields’ acting debut but that is a shame, because it should be remembered as one of the top American horror films of the 1970’s.  I am sure many of you have already seen this film but if you haven’t, get your ass a copy and get ready to be treated to a top rate thriller.  The 18th film in 30 September Slashers is unfortunately not even in the same  ballpark as Alice Sweet Alice, the next film in our fest is the title Video Violence.

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