30 September Slashers: Day 24-MOTHER’S DAY

While there has been recent talk of remaking the popular Troma title The Toxic Avenger, one Tromaville film whose remake is currently making the festival rounds is  Mother’s Day. As recent reviews have revealed, the new film appears to be a brutal and sadistic horror flick that is sure to please audiences. So unless you’re like our Destroy the Brain head honcho Andy and got to check out the film at a recent festival, you’ll just have to wait until the film sees a theatrical release. In the meantime lets sink our teeth into the source material and watch the original Troma produced Mother’s Day.

Day 24: Toxie Does Deliverance….Mother’s Day

The family featured in Mother’s Day appears to be a very happy family. They play family games, and the two sons always make sure to mind their mother. Did I fail to mention that some of these games they play include raping and murdering unsuspecting victims? That is bad news for three college friends who decide to spend their yearly vacation together camping in the woods near this hillbilly clan. What started as a fun and innocent trip turns to horror as the girls are kidnapped and subjected to brutal treatment and must ultimately fight for their lives.

The body count isn’t very high but with this type of film, there typically isn’t. The film reminds me of Deliverence but done with that special Troma humor that you find with all of their self- produced releases. Although the subject matter is bleak, the tone of the film is never very serious and thus, you will probably find yourself laughing more than cringing at most of the material. Although the body count is low, the gore in the film is great. A decapitation scene at the beginning is probably my favorite.

If you are fan of Troma produced films, I would highly recommend this. Just as with most other Troma releases, the film is available for instant stream on Netflix and the DVD is fairly easy to find. I’m sure that with the release of the remake, there will be some kind of special edition blu- ray version coming out soon. We have already played one game of Truth or Dare earlier on this countdown, but for the 25h installment of 30 September Slasher, we will play a game of Simon Says.

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